Live Report "SIOBC"-Tournament Mauritius 2014

Live Report „South Indian Ocean Billfish Competition “ 2014 Mauritius

The „South Indian Ocean Billfish Competition“ (S.I.O.B.C) takes part since the year 2000. The Le Morne Anglers Club supports this tournament and the number of the participants grows from year to year. In the year 2012 there were 19 starter-Teams. There are very few reports out of this great fishing area. Good to know that we will change this in 2014!

We are very pleased that we have a high experienced reporter in Mauritius, Stephan Kreupl.
The IGFA-worldrecordholder (Blue Marlin) takes part at this tournament and will send us an daily report and we will publish it here. We are very thankful for this, because Stephan is very busy, because he does this additionally to the promotion of his BWF-Lures (a lot of you will know this lures from the excellent results at Cape Verde).
Stephan, we thank you so much!

(if you want more informations for BWF-Lures, klick at the picture)

We want to take you with us to this fantastic paradise in the Indian Ocean. Enjoy our Report!

At the Moment there is a cyclon, but we all hope that the tournament can start on time at Sunday, the 09. February.

....we all hope we get a exciting tournament with great Pictures! :thumbsup:

1. Tournament Day - Sunday, 09. February 2013

On the first Day of the tournament there were very few action. Only 4 strikes and 2 caught marlin. One with 404lb and a smaller one. Some Bonitos and one Dorado, but no more bigger fish. Stephan´s boat had no Marlincontact, 2 raised sails and some Bonitos.
The current changed after the Cyclon and brought green water and temperature of 30 degrees with it, not really good conditions. We are looking Forward to the second day.

2. Tournament Day - Monday, 10. February 2014

Unfortunately the the same situation as yesterday. Green water and few fish.
In the end of the second Tournament Day there were only 4 Strikes and two (small) released Marlin.

3. Tournament Day - Wednesday, 12. February 2014
After the third tournament day the Situation is the same. Green water and bad fishing.
Today the participants released a small Marlin and caught two wahoos.
We had a Dorado on our Lure "Big Smoker", lost it near the boat..... hopefully tomorrow (the last tournament day) more... 8)

4. Tournament Day - Thursday, 13. February 2014

Today, 4 Marlin could be released. Today the water conditions were better and so we could catch a nice Marlin on the Lure "Honeyhooker".Unfortunately we lost another one on the Lure "Grander1238". Crossed fingers, Rest hour....

(if you want more informations for BWF-Lures, klick at the picture)

Here is a team-pic. Stephan, thank you very much for reporting! :thumbsup:

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